Short Fiction
The Good Deed. Live Encounters. Nov-Dec
My conversation with Clark. Live Encounters. April
Tell her I am her sister, Fictive Dream, 2022, United Kingdom
The house of women, Fiction Kitchen Berlin, 2022
You can’t eat lilies, Potato Soup Journal, volume 2, issue 1, 2021, USA
A man on a mission, LOVE, Lifespan Vol 4, Pure Slush Books, 2021, Australia Fictive Dream, United Kingdom
He never thought I would leave, Potato Soup Journal, USA, 2021
The little fat man with the gun, Fictive Dream, United Kingdom
The boy on the bridge, Fictive Dream, United Kingdom
The reluctant hero, Fictive Dream, 2021 United Kingdom
The bracelet, Fiction Kitchen, Berlin
This is too strange, The Blue Nib, April 2020, Ireland
The protector, Cabinet of Heed
Everyone needs their cellphones, Blackmail Press, 2020, New Zealand
Vengeance, WRATH, 7 deadly sins, Vol 5, Pure Slush Books, 2019, Australia
The screech of brakes, Fictive Dream, United Kingdom, 2019
I remember the snow that day, Flash Fiction magazine, United Kingdom
The wine lover, Fictive Dream, 2019, United Kingdom
Not in my genes, Happy, Pure Slush Vol 15, 2018 Australia
Chance encounter, page 97, vol 6, issue 1, Meniscus Literary Magazine, 2018, Australia
A word, Vol 6, issue 2, Meniscus literary magazine, 2018, Australia
A part of the landscape, Peacock Journal, 2018
Running, Takahē, April 2018, New Zealand
The poet’s grave, Blue Fifth Review, 2018, Canada
Flight from New York, Takahē 86, April 2016, New Zealand
The Polish Kids, Thanks Mum, A Kiwi Celebration, Penguin Random House New Zealand, 2016
The birds, Litro New York, US, 8 July, 2015, USA
The journey, Fish Anthology 2015, Fish Publishing, Co Cork, Ireland
On the Beach, Landmarks, UK National Flash Fiction Day 2015 Anthology, Gumbo Press, UK
Behind the scrim, Headland literary journal, Issue 2, New Zealand
My mother and the UFO, Sweet As, contemporary short stories by New Zealanders, Sweet As short story project, 2014, New Zealand
The Reluctant Hero, Fictive Dream, 2012, United Kingdom
So fun, Takahē 74, Issue 3, December 2011, p54, New Zealand
Disoriented, Tales for Canterbury, Random Static, 2011, New Zealand
Dark moon rising, Blue Crow magazine, Issue 3, Easter 2011, Australia
A good person, Interliq, 2011
A thoughtful man, Her business magazine, June 2010, New Zealand
Disoriented, Takahē 71, Issue 3 2010 p 46, New Zealand
Don’t Wait Up, Best New Zealand Fiction, Volume Six, edited by Owen Marshall, Random House, New Zealand, 2009